Oakhurst Wedding Photography | Steven and Ruth at Paradise Springs

Steven and Ruth are Pepperdine sweethearts who put SO. MUCH. DANG. THOUGHT. into their wedding celebration. What a breath of fresh air and inspiration at the same time. Here's what I mean: 

Steven and Ruth love their friends and family a whole bunch. Their relationship blossomed in the context of their close friend circle. Right from the start, they knew a few hours' long party wouldn't be enough time, so they decided to reserve a weekend retreat center and invite all their guests to enjoy Friday through Sunday in the mountains outside Yosemite, hiking, playing board games, sipping wine, and watching movies by a crackling fire until late in the night. In similar fashion, the ceremony unfolded with thoughtful and communal intention. Rather than walk down the aisle to the front to begin the ceremony, the gathering began like a church service, with worship, a message, and communion. Steven and Ruth waited in the back until all the guests were served, then they walked down the aisle and said their vows, exchanged their rings, and took communion together for the first time as husband and wife. 

Venue: Paradise Springs, Oakhurst, CA 
Photographer: Cecily Breeding (that's me!)
Wedding Coordinator: Clarissa Ng
Food/Catering: Famous Dave’s BBQ
Music: Taylor Begert, Kyle Rogan
Flowers: Christopher Yen
Cake: Sam’s Club
Dress: David’s Bridal
Print Design: Kailee Kodama